
Discovering Aquinas: An Introduction to His Life, Work, and Influence is unavailable, but you can change that!

Thomas Aquinas is one of the great figures of church history, and his ideas continue to have a powerful effect on theologians and contemporary writers from very different backgrounds and traditions. In Discovering Aquinas, Aidan Nichols offers a lively and authoritative introduction to the life, thought, and ongoing influence of this singular churchman. This book could not have come at a better...

One way of connecting our last topic—revelation—to the theme of ‘God and creation’ is via Thomas’s account of the ways of knowing God as found in the opening of the fourth book of his Summa contra Gentiles. In that text, Thomas writes that there are three kinds of knowledge of God enjoyed by man.1 First, there is the sort given by the light of natural reason, whereby man ‘ascends’ or rises up through creatures to the knowledge of God. The second is when
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